A Survivor’s journey from Desperation to Hope

A Survivor’s journey from Desperation to Hope

At Rescue Us Mission, our mission is to support and empower survivors of human trafficking on their path to healing and independence. Recently, we had the opportunity to witness a truly heartwarming transformation as we secured an apartment for a survivor and enlisted the support of generous sponsors and dedicated volunteers to furnish it. In this blog post, we want to share the inspiring story of how this survivor’s life changed with the help of furniture donation by ReNew H Town, Kelvin Okunonke’s car donation, the selfless efforts of the volunteers from Christ Church Methodist, led by Sharie Tubbs Nutter and the selfless commitment of our chairman leading the transition from our housing to private living by Min. Freddie Foster.

Before Rescue Us Mission intervened, the survivor faced a life filled with despair and uncertainty. Escaping the clutches of human trafficking is an arduous journey, leaving survivors in dire need of safety, stability, and support. The search for a secure place to call home can be a daunting task, but we were determined to provide this survivor with a fresh start.


With the support of our dedicated partners and the assistance of United Against Human Trafficking (UAHT) – Trennie Henry alongside West Houston Assistance Ministries – Latavia Myers, we were able to secure an apartment for the survivor; an essential step towards rebuilding their life.

This safe haven would serve as a sanctuary where they could continue their healing journey and regain a sense of normalcy. It was a symbol of hope and a fresh beginning.


Thanks to the generosity of Re-New H Town, a compassionate organization dedicated to helping survivors, the apartment was furnished with high-quality furniture. This donation not only provided essential items for daily living but also created a warm and welcoming environment for the survivor to thrive in. Each piece of furniture represented care, compassion, and a tangible reminder that they were not alone.


Additionally, we are grateful to Kelvin Okunonke of the Kelvin Okunonke Real Estate Group for his remarkable act of kindness in donating a car to the survivor. This invaluable gift provides her with independence, the means to go to-and-from her place of employment, and a means of transportation to access support services and rebuild her life. Kelvin’s contribution will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on her journey towards self-sufficiency.

The transformation of the survivor’s apartment would not have been possible without the selfless dedication of the volunteers from Christ Church Methodist, led by Sharie Tubbs Nutter. Their commitment to the cause and tireless efforts in assembling and arranging the donated furniture created a comfortable and nurturing space. Their compassion and support were instrumental in uplifting the survivor’s spirit and fostering a sense of community.


We would like to express our deep appreciation for the unwavering support and dedication of our Chairman, Min Freddie Foster, who has consistently been a reliable source of assistance. Whenever his presence is required, he generously offers his wisdom, lending a helping hand, or even providing a truck to facilitate our logistical needs. His commitment and availability have been invaluable to us, providing a steadying hand whenever we need it.

The transformation of this survivor’s life serves as a powerful testament to the impact that collective efforts can have in helping survivors of human trafficking rebuild and reclaim their lives. Through the generous donations from Re-New H Town, Kelvin Okunonke’s car contribution, and the unwavering dedication of the volunteers from Christ Church Methodist, we were able to provide a safe and furnished apartment—a tangible representation of hope and healing.

At Rescue Us Mission, we remain committed to our mission of supporting survivors on their journey to independence. It is through the kindness and generosity of individuals and organizations like Re-New H Town, Kelvin Okunonke, and the volunteers from Christ Church Methodist that we can continue making a lasting difference. Together, we can rescue, restore, and empower survivors of human trafficking, providing them with the tools they need to build a brighter future.